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SalesforceProRevised in 5.0+

This guide assumes you have a Salesforce account already.

This integration will not work with the Salesforce Essentials plan as it does not have access to the API.


Uses OAuth flow on v58 of the REST API.


Maps data to the following endpoints:

  • Leads
  • Opportunity
  • Account
  • Contact

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Maps data to the following field types:

  • Text fields: String, Encrypted String, Textarea, Email, URL, Address, Picklist, Multipicklist, Date/Time fields
  • Numeric fields: Number, Phone, Currency
  • Other fields: Reference/relationship
  • There are some limitations to types of fields that can be mapped, such as Lookup fields.

Duplicate Check & Update

The following duplicate logic applies to the Opportunity/Account/Contact approach (not Leads).

Default Logic

A duplicate check on records is done in the following way:

  1. Check whether the Account already exists:
    • Check against the Name field as the identifier.
    • If no match, create a new Account.
  2. Check whether the Contact already exists:
    • Check against the Email address as the identifier.
    • If email address exists in Salesforce Contact, update the existing Contact with other details.
    • If no email address match, check if first name and last name exist in Salesforce Contact, then update the existing Contact with all other values including the new email address.
    • If no matches at all, create a new Salesforce Contact.
    • If Account Name matched, assign the new Contact to the existing Salesforce Account.
  3. Create new Opportunity.
    • Attach Opportunity to existing or newly created Salesforce Account.

Alternate Logic

An alternate duplicate check on records is also available. When the Check Contact email address and Account website when checking for duplicates? setting is enabled, the following logic will happen instead:

  1. Check whether the Contact already exists:
    • Check against Email address as the identifier.
    • If there's a match, update the Contact with new values, where supplied.
    • If no match, create a new Contact.
  2. Check whether the Account already exists:
    • Check against the Website field domain. If you are not mapping a domain to the Website field, Freeform will automatically sniff the Contact email address, take the domain from it, and pass it off to the Salesforce Account as the Website field value.
    • If there's a match, update the Account with new values, where supplied.
    • If no match, create a new Salesforce Account.
    • If a new Contact was created, link the contact to the Account.
  3. Create new Opportunity.
    • Attach Opportunity to existing or newly created Salesforce Account.

Setup Instructions


Prepare Freeform's end for Integration

  • Go to the CRM section in Freeform Settings (Freeform → Settings → CRM).
  • Click the New Integration button at the top right.
  • Select Salesforce (v58) from the Service Provider select dropdown.
  • Enter a name and handle for the integration. e.g. My Salesforce Integration
  • Copy the URL value generated in the OAuth 2.0 Return URI field, e.g.
  • Leave this page open and open a new tab to go to the Salesforce site...

Prepare Salesforce's end for Integration

  • Open another browser tab and go to Salesforce website and log into your account.
  • On the left navigation menu, click on Apps, then click App Manager.
  • At the top right corner of the page, click the New Connected App button.
  • Fill out the fields in the Basic Information section.
  • In the API (Enable OAuth Settings) section, click the Enable OAuth Settings checkbox. More fields will appear...
  • In the Callback URL field, paste the value from the OAuth 2.0 Return URI field in Freeform's settings for the integration.
  • In the Selected OAuth Scopes field, select the following permissions from the list and click Add arrow button:
    • Manage user data via APIs (api)
    • Perform requests on your behalf at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)
  • You shouldn't need to fill out any further fields, and then click Save button.
  • You will be taken to a new page that lists info about your newly created app, including Consumer Key and Consumer Secret values. You will need to copy each of these values.
    • Salesforce gets tricky to navigate, so do yourself a favor and copy and paste these 2 values into a text editor for now, being sure to label each too. You'll save yourself some extra steps later on.
  • At the top middle of the page, click on the Manage button.
  • At the top middle of the next page, click the Edit Policies button.
  • Under the OAuth policies section, adjust the following settings:
    • In the Permitted Users field, be sure that it is set to All users may self-authorize.
    • In the IP Relaxation field, change the setting to Relaxed IP restrictions.
    • Click Save button at bottom of page.
  • If you copy and pasted the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret values in a text editor, you can skip these next couple steps:
    • To go back to your app to see these values, click on the App Manager navigation item (under Apps)
    • Find your app in the list. Then in the right column, click the down arrow, and then click View.

Continue the Integration on your site

  • Flip back to the Freeform CP browser tab.
  • Paste the Salesforce Consumer Key value into the Client ID field in Freeform.
  • Paste the Salesforce Consumer Secret value into the Client Secret field in Freeform.

Additional Configuration


If you plan to use the Leads endpoint, the following settings are available:

  • Assign Lead Owner? - Enabling this will make Salesforce assign a lead owner based on lead owner assignment rules in Salesforce.
  • Sandbox Mode - Enable this if your Salesforce account is in Sandbox mode.
  • Using custom URL? - Enable this if you connect to your Salesforce account with a custom company URL such as


If you plan to use the Opportunity endpoint, the following settings are available:

  • Close Date - Enter a relative textual date string for the Close Date of the newly created Opportunity (e.g. 7 days).
  • Stage Name - Enter the Stage Name the newly created Opportunity should be assigned to (e.g. Prospecting).
  • Sandbox Mode - Enable this if your Salesforce account is in Sandbox mode.
  • Append checkboxes field values on Contact update? - If a Contact already exists in Salesforce, enabling this will append additional checkboxes field values to the Contact inside Salesforce, instead of overwriting the options.
  • Append checkboxes field values on Account update? - If an Account already exists in Salesforce, enabling this will append additional checkboxes field values to the Account inside Salesforce, instead of overwriting the options.
  • Check Contact email address and Account website when checking for duplicates? - By default, Freeform will check against Contact first name, last name and email address, as well as and Account name. If enabled, Freeform will instead check against Contact email address only and Account website. If no website is mapped, Freeform will gather the website domain from the Contact email address mapped.

Finish the Integration

  • Click the Save button.
  • You will be redirected to a Salesforce OAuth page to allow permissions.
    • If not currently logged in, fill in your credentials.
    • Click Allow when asked for permissions.
  • You will then be redirected back to the Freeform CRM Integration page.

Verify Authorization

  • After the integration is saved, it'll return you to the list of CRM integrations.
  • Click into the newly created integration.
  • Confirm that there is a green circle with Authorized in the middle of the page.

Configure the Form

To use this integration on your form(s), you'll need to configure each form individually.

  • Visit the form inside the form builder.
  • Click on the Integrations tab.
  • Click on Salesforce in the list of available integrations.
  • On the right side of the page: - Enable the integration. - Select the API endpoints you wish to map to. - Map Freeform fields to the Salesforce fields as needed.

Please note that if you set this up initially on a development environment, you will need to update your callback URL and reauthorize the connection on your production environment. However, your settings and field mappings will remain intact.