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AJAX Forms with Freeform

Freeform includes its own built-in AJAX support for single and multi-page forms. To enable it, simply check the Enable AJAX checkbox in the Form Settings tab inside the form builder for any forms you wish to have it apply to. Freeform will then handle the rest. You may, however, override part of this and/or implement your own AJAX solution. If you need to use a manual approach for the AJAX call, usually because some sort of framework is used to generate the form such as Vue.js, please see the Manual Implementations guide further below.

The Freeform javascript plugin handles AJAX functionality and all other JS needed (such as Date fields, conditional rules, Stripe payments and more). Much of the default functionality (formatting, language, etc) can be overridden if necessary. See the customization reference guide below.


  • Payments: When using Freeform's Stripe Payments feature, Freeform will automatically force AJAX mode on the form in order to work with Stripe's validation.
  • Manual Formatting: When not using a formatting template, this can cause issues with some of Freeform's AJAX autoload features. Whenever possible, you should use a formatting template. However, you can work around it if using your own AJAX, however. See the guide below.
  • Editing: Editing existing submissions via the front end in multi-page AJAX forms will currently not work correctly.
  • Multiple Forms: If loading the same form more than once in the same template, be sure to specify the id parameter for each instance so that AJAX submit can account for this.


The built-in AJAX functionality lets you completely customize the way your forms work if you're not satisfied with anything in the provided defaults.

Be sure to check out the Freeform Javascript plugin documentation, to learn how to further extend Freeform's functionality.

Customize Success & Error Messages

If you only need to customize the error messages, you can do so by overriding the defaults like this:

// Change success and error messages for all forms on this page
document.addEventListener('freeform-ready', function (event) {
// Customize the error and success messages
event.options.successBannerMessage = 'My custom success message';
event.options.errorBannerMessage = 'My custom error message';

// You can also add this only to a specific form, by listening to the
// "freeform-ready" event on the specific form.
const form = document.getElementById('my-form');
form.addEventListener('freeform-ready', function (event) {
// Customize the error and success messages
event.options.successBannerMessage = 'My custom success message';
event.options.errorBannerMessage = 'My custom error message';

Customize Success & Error Banner Styles

A more elaborate example below shows how you can customize the way error and success messages are rendered:

// Find the form element
const form = document.getElementById('my-form');
form.addEventListener('freeform-ready', function (event) {
// Override the error and success message element class names
event.options.errorClassBanner = 'my-custom-error-banner';
event.options.errorClassList = 'my-custom-errors-list';
event.options.errorClassField = 'this-field-has-errors';
event.options.successClassBanner = 'my-custom-success-banner';

// Override the way those messages are removed
form.addEventListener('freeform-remove-messages', function () {
// Prevent the default behavior

form.querySelectorAll('.my-custom-error-banner').forEach(function (element) {
.forEach(function (element) {
form.querySelectorAll('.my-custom-errors-list').forEach(function (element) {

// Override the way form submit success message is displayed
form.addEventListener('freeform-render-success', function () {
// Prevent the default behavior

const successMessage = document.createElement('div');
document.createTextNode('Form submitted successfully')

form.insertBefore(successMessage, this.form.childNodes[0]);

// Override the way form errors are displayed
form.addEventListener('freeform-render-form-errors', function (event) {
// Prevent the default behavior

const errors = event.errors;
const errorBlock = document.createElement('div');

const paragraph = document.createElement('p');
paragraph.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Form contains errors!'));

if (errors.length) {
const errorsList = document.createElement('ul');
for (let messageIndex = 0; messageIndex < errors.length; messageIndex++) {
const message = errors[messageIndex];
const listItem = document.createElement('li');



form.insertBefore(errorBlock, this.form.childNodes[0]);

// Override the way field errors are displayed
form.addEventListener('freeform-render-field-errors', function (event) {
// Prevent the default behavior

const errors = event.errors;
for (const key in errors) {
if (!errors.hasOwnProperty(key) || !key) {

const messages = errors[key];
const errorsList = document.createElement('ul');

for (let messageIndex = 0; messageIndex < messages.length; messageIndex++) {
const message = messages[messageIndex];
const listItem = document.createElement('li');

const inputList = form.querySelectorAll(
'*[name=' + key + "], *[name='" + key + "[]']"
for (let inputIndex = 0; inputIndex < inputList.length; inputIndex++) {
const input = inputList[inputIndex];

Display Success Banner at Bottom

If you wish to display the success banner at the bottom of the form, here's an example of how to do so. The success banner will have the class ff-form-success added to it, which will allow it to be automatically removed again on consequent saves.

{{ freeform.form("myForm").render }}

var form = document.querySelector('form');
form.addEventListener('freeform-render-success', function (event) {

var freeform = event.freeform;
var success = document.createElement('div');
success.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Form submitted successfully'));


Override Form Builder

If you have something like Reload Form with Success Message for the Success Behavior setting in the form builder, but wish to override the form inside your template to redirect to a URL upon successful AJAX submit instead, be sure to specify the returnUrl parameter and then add some some JS to your page template. See example below:

{{ freeform.form("myFormHandle", {id: 'my-form'}).render() }}

// Find the form element
const myForm = document.getElementById('my-form');
// Do something on a successful ajax submit
myForm.addEventListener('freeform-ajax-success', function(event) {
// Redirect the user
if (event.response.finished) {
window.location.href = event.response.returnUrl;

Not Using a Formatting Template

When not using a formatting template, this can cause issues with some of Freeform's AJAX autoload features. When using AJAX and the Reload Form with Success Message success behavior, Freeform will swap the form contents with the formatting template specified in the form builder for that form (whether or not you're actually using it). This can have an undesirable results. If you wish to just have Freeform reload your existing formatting markup (inside the regular template), you can add the data-skip-html-reload attribute to the form. This can be added one of 2 ways:

  1. Inside the form builder:
    • Open the form builder for the given form.
    • Open the form settings tab (cog/gear icon).
    • In the Form tag Attributes area, add data-skip-html-reload as the Attribute and leave the Value empty.
    • Save the form.
  2. Inside your regular template:
    • Open the regular template that contains the form.
    • Add the formAttributes: { "data-skip-html-reload": true }, parameter to your Form query.


To attach your own functionality when the AJAX form successfully submits or fails, you have to listen to the respective events dispatched by the Freeform JS plugin. For instance, redirecting after an AJAX submit is finished:

// Find the form element
const form = document.getElementById('my-form');

// Do something on a successful ajax submit
form.addEventListener('freeform-ajax-success', function (event) {
const response = event.response;

// Redirect the user
window.location.href = response.returnUrl;

// or check if submission limit is reached
if (response.duplicate) {
// Toggle the form so the visitor cannot attempt resubmitting
// or maybe display a message on screen.

// Do something on a failed ajax submit
form.addEventListener('freeform-ajax-error', function (event) {
// Do whatever checks on errors you need to do, if any
const errors = event.errors;
const formErrors = event.formErrors;
const response = event.response;

// Redirect the page using the response's return URL
window.location.href = response.returnUrl;

// Do something after every ajax submit is completed, regardless of it being successful or not
form.addEventListener('freeform-ajax-after-submit', function (event) {
alert('the AJAX call was finished.');

Manual Implementations

There are cases when an AJAX call has to be made manually. Usually it is because some sort of framework is used to generate the form, such as Vue.js. All you need to do when making a manual AJAX request is pass the AJAX specific headers within the request:

"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest"

By default, Freeform will assume you're using its own built-in AJAX. To prevent Freeform from interfering with your custom AJAX implementation, you should also add a data-skip-html-reload form attribute to your form.

Here are some examples:

Plain JS

To create an AJAX request using regular plain javascript, follow this example:

// Find the form element
var form = document.getElementById('my-form');

// Add the on-submit event listener
form.addEventListener('submit', ajaxifyForm, false);

function ajaxifyForm(event) {
var form =;
var data = new FormData(form);

var method = form.getAttribute('method');
var action = form.getAttribute('action');

var request = new XMLHttpRequest();, action ? action : window.location.href, true);
request.setRequestHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache');

// Set the Craft specific AJAX headers
request.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest');
request.setRequestHeader('HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH', 'XMLHttpRequest');

request.onload = function () {
if (request.status === 200) {
var response = JSON.parse(request.response);

if (response.success && response.finished) {
alert('Form posted successfully');
} else if (response.errors || response.formErrors) {
console.log('Field Errors', response.errors);
console.log('Form Errors', response.formErrors);

alert('Form failed to submit');

// Update the Honeypot field if using Javascript Test
if (response.honeypot) {
var honeypotInput = form.querySelector(
honeypotInput.value = response.honeypot.hash;
} else {



To create an AJAX request using the Axios library, follow this example:

// Find the form element
var form = document.getElementById('my-form');

// Add the on-submit event listener
form.addEventListener('submit', ajaxifyForm, false);

function ajaxifyForm(event) {
var form =;
var data = new FormData(form);

var method = form.getAttribute('method');
var action = form.getAttribute('action');

url: action ? action : window.location.href,
method: method ? method : 'post',
data: data,
headers: {
'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
.then(function (responseObject) {
var response =;

if (response.success && response.finished) {
alert('Form posted successfully');
} else if (response.errors || response.formErrors) {
console.log('Field Errors', response.errors);
console.log('Form Errors', response.formErrors);

alert('Form failed to submit');

// Update the Honeypot field if using Javascript Test
if (response.honeypot) {
var honeypotInput = form.querySelector(
honeypotInput.value = response.honeypot.hash;
.catch(function (error) {


Have a look at our headless demos to get a feel for what's possible with Ajax: