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Freeform API

Getting Freeform Forms and Submissions inside your Controller

To get any Freeform object, all you have to do is access the right service and use the methods provided within. You can access Freeform services by getting the Freeform plugin instance and then accessing the services directly:

$plugin = Freeform::getInstance();

// Most commonly used services

// Solspace\Freeform\Services\FormsService

// Solspace\Freeform\Services\SubmissionsService

// Solspace\Freeform\Services\HoneypotService

Finding Forms

To get a specific form, one would access the FormsService and ask for the form providing an ID or a handle:

// Access a form by ID
$form = Freeform::getInstance()->forms->getFormById($myFormId);
if ($form) {
// Do something with the form here

// Access a form by handle
$form = Freeform::getInstance()->forms->getFormByHandle($myFormHandle);

// Get all forms
$forms = Freeform::getInstance()->forms->getAllForms();

Finding Submissions

There are many ways to fetch a submission. You might use the SubmissionsService and fetch a submissions by ID or a token:

$submission = Freeform::getInstance()->submissions->getSubmissionById($myId);
$submission = Freeform::getInstance()->submissions->getSubmissionByToken($myToken);

Or you might use the SubmissionQuery to find more than just one submission that matches your criteria:

use Solspace\Freeform\Elements\Submission;

$submissions = Submission::find()

Refreshing Honeypot with Javascript Test for Cached pages

When using Freeform's built-in Honeypot spam protection paired with the Javascript Test for the Honeypot, there may be times when you need to load a fresh Honeypot instance for your form. Usually this is the case when using cached templates or using Vue.js or React.js to render forms.

In such cases, one should ask for a fresh honeypot using the HoneypotService.

// Get the form model
$formModel = Freeform::getInstance()->forms->getFormById($myFormId);
if (!$formModel) {
throw new Exception("Did not find a form");

// Get the Form object from the model
$form = $formModel->getForm();

// Get a fresh honeypot
$honeypot = Freeform::getInstance()->honeypot->getHoneypot($form);

// Return the honeypot to your front-end view and use javascript to replace the values
return $this->render(
['honeypot' => $honeypot]

Then in your view file, you can either add a script that handles refreshing the honeypot, or if you're using Vue.js or React.js, you could pass those new values to the form somewhere in your flow.

// Locate the form
var form = document.getElementById('my-form');

// Find the honeypot input
var honeypotInput = form.querySelector('input[name^=freeform_form_handle_]');

// Override its values with fresh honeypot values
honeypotInput.setAttribute('name', '{{ }}');
honeypotInput.setAttribute('id', '{{ }}');
honeypotInput.value = '{{ honeypot.hash }}';

// Your form is now ready to be submitted.