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Campaign plugin Integration Pro

This documentation page assumes you have read over the Email Marketing Integration Overview. If you have not yet read it, please do so now. We also assume that you have the Campaign plugin installed and setup already. This integration requires that you have Freeform Pro. If you currently have Freeform Lite, you can purchase an upgrade to Freeform Pro.


  • Field mapping to regular text field types.
  • Mapping to mailing lists from different Sites.

Setup Instructions

Freeform will detect if Campaign is installed and then show it as an option to use. Because it's a Craft plugin, setup is much simpler:


Setup Integration on your site

  • Go to the Email Marketing section in Freeform Settings (Freeform → Settings → Email Marketing).
  • Click the New Email Marketing Integration at the top right.
  • Select Craft Campaign from the Service Provider select dropdown.
  • Enter a name and handle for the integration.
  • At the top right corner of Freeform page, click Save button.