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Events & Hooks

If you wish to extend the capabilities of Freeform, you can use any of the events and hooks below:

Events for Freeform Forms

  • onBeforeSubmit #
    • Called when a form is submitted, but before a submission model is being made
    • Contains these parameters:
      • form - the Form object
  • onAfterSubmit #
    • Called after saving the submission and saving the form
    • Contains these parameters:
      • form - the Form object
      • submission - the Freeform_SubmissionModel
  • onBeforeSave #
    • Called before saving a form
    • Contains these parameters:
      • model - the Freeform_FormModel
      • isNew - boolean value
  • onAfterSave #
    • Called after saving a form
    • Contains these parameters:
      • model - the Freeform_FormModel
      • isNew - boolean value
  • onBeforeDelete #
    • Called before deleting a form
    • Contains these parameters:
      • model - the Freeform_FormModel
  • onAfterDelete #
    • Called after deleting a form
    • Contains these parameters:
      • model - the Freeform_FormModel

Events for Freeform Submissions

  • onBeforeSave #
    • Called before saving a submission
    • Contains these parameters:
      • model - the Freeform_SubmissionModel
      • isNew - boolean value
  • onAfterSave #
    • Called after saving a submission
    • Contains these parameters:
      • model - the Freeform_SubmissionModel
      • isNew - boolean value
  • onBeforeDelete #
    • Called before deleting a submission
    • Contains these parameters:
      • model - the Freeform_SubmissionModel
  • onAfterDelete #
    • Called after deleting a submission
    • Contains these parameters:
      • model - the Freeform_SubmissionModel

Events for Freeform Fields

  • onBeforeSave #
    • Called before saving a field
    • Contains these parameters:
      • model - the Freeform_FieldModel
      • isNew - boolean value
  • onAfterSave #
    • Called after saving a field
    • Contains these parameters:
      • model - the Freeform_FieldModel
      • isNew - boolean value
  • onBeforeDelete #
    • Called before deleting a field
    • Contains these parameters:
      • model - the Freeform_FieldModel
  • onAfterDelete #
    • Called after deleting a field
    • Contains these parameters:
      • model - the Freeform_FieldModel

Events for Freeform Notifications

  • onBeforeSave #
    • Called before saving a notification
    • Contains these parameters:
      • model - the Freeform_NotificationModel
      • isNew - boolean value
  • onAfterSave #
    • Called after saving a notification
    • Contains these parameters:
      • model - the Freeform_NotificationModel
      • isNew - boolean value
  • onBeforeDelete #
    • Called before deleting a notification
    • Contains these parameters:
      • model - the Freeform_NotificationModel
  • onAfterDelete #
    • Called after deleting a notification
    • Contains these parameters:
      • model - the Freeform_NotificationModel

Events for Freeform Statuses

  • onBeforeSave #
    • Called before saving a status
    • Contains these parameters:
      • model - the Freeform_StatusModel
      • isNew - boolean value
  • onAfterSave #
    • Called after saving a status
    • Contains these parameters:
      • model - the Freeform_StatusModel
      • isNew - boolean value
  • onBeforeDelete #
    • Called before deleting a status
    • Contains these parameters:
      • model - the Freeform_StatusModel
  • onAfterDelete #
    • Called after deleting a status
    • Contains these parameters:
      • model - the Freeform_StatusModel

Events for Freeform File Uploads

  • onBeforeUpload #
    • Called before uploading a file
    • Contains these parameters:
      • field - the FileUploadField
      • form - the Form object
  • onAfterUpload #
    • Called after uploading a file
    • Contains these parameters:
      • field - the FileUploadField
      • assetId - boolean value
      • form - the Form object

Events for Freeform Mailing

  • onBeforeSend #
    • Called before sending an email
    • Contains these parameters:
      • model - the EmailModel
  • onAfterSend #
    • Called after sending an email
    • Contains these parameters:
      • model - the EmailModel
      • isSent - boolean value

Events for Freeform CRM Integrations

  • onBeforeSave #
    • Called before saving an integration
    • Contains these parameters:
      • model - the Freeform_IntegrationModel
      • isNew - boolean value
  • onAfterSave #
    • Called after saving an integration
    • Contains these parameters:
      • model - the Freeform_IntegrationModel
      • isNew - boolean value
  • onBeforeDelete #
    • Called before deleting an integration
    • Contains these parameters:
      • model - the Freeform_IntegrationModel
  • onAfterDelete #
    • Called after deleting an integration
    • Contains these parameters:
      • model - the Freeform_IntegrationModel

Events for Freeform Mailing-List Integrations

  • onBeforeSave #
    • Called before saving an integration
    • Contains these parameters:
      • model - the Freeform_IntegrationModel
      • isNew - boolean value
  • onAfterSave #
    • Called after saving an integration
    • Contains these parameters:
      • model - the Freeform_IntegrationModel
      • isNew - boolean value
  • onBeforeDelete #
    • Called before deleting an integration
    • Contains these parameters:
      • model - the Freeform_IntegrationModel
  • onAfterDelete #
    • Called after deleting an integration
    • Contains these parameters:
      • model - the Freeform_IntegrationModel

Usage instructions

In your plugin's ::init() method, subscribe to any of these events by using the craft()->on() method:


namespace Craft;

class YourPlugin extends BasePlugin
public function init()

// Forms
function (Event $event) {
$form = $event->params["model"];
// Do something with this data

// Submissions
function (Event $event) {
$submission = $event->params["model"];
$isNew = $event->params["isNew"];
// Do something with this data

// Fields
function (Event $event) {
$field = $event->params["model"];
// Do something with this data

// Notifications
function (Event $event) {
$notification = $event->params["model"];
// Do something with this data

// Statuses
function (Event $event) {
$status = $event->params["model"];
// Do something with this data

// File Uploads
function (Event $event) {
$field = $event->params["field"];
$assetId = $event->params["assetId"];
// Do something with this data

// Mailing
function (Event $event) {
$model = $event->params["model"];
$isSent = $event->params["isSent"];
// Do something with this data

// CRM Integrations
function (Event $event) {
$crmIntegration = $event->params["model"];
// Do something with this data

// Mailing List Integrations
function (Event $event) {
$mailingListIntegration = $event->params["model"];
// Do something with this data